1. CSR Partnerships | Double the Donation
  2. Integration Documentation and API Access

Reference: Definitions

This article defines common terms used by Double the Donation.

  1. 360MatchPro: Automated matching gift solution by Double the Donation. Nonprofits are the users. Integrates into all major nonprofit donation forms and other fundraising solutions (partners here) to identify matching gift-eligible donors as they make a donation, then deliver their matching gift next steps right after the donation is made. 360MatchPro drives more matching gift requests to completion, resulting in more matching gift revenue for nonprofits. More here.

  2. Matching gift request vs. matching gift: A matching gift is defined in this documentation as the donation made by the company to the nonprofit after a donor/employee makes the initial donation and requests the match. A matching gift request is defined in this documentation as the mechanism the donor/employee uses to request the matching gift from their employer (e.g., PDF, form submission within a workplace giving solution).

  3. Donation amount vs. matched amount: Donation amount is the amount of the initial donation made by the donor to the nonprofit. Matched amount is the amount of the matching donation sent by the company to the nonprofit. These two amounts could be different in several cases (e.g., The donor made a $200 donation but has already used $50 of their $100 available matching dollars, so they just submit a $50 matching gift request for the $200 gift. In this case, the donation amount is $200 and the matched amount is $50.).


We avoid the terms “client” and “user” and instead specify “nonprofit” or “company” and “donor/employee.” Double the Donation’s clients are nonprofits, while your platform’s clients are companies. Donors and employees are the same user but nonprofits and Double the Donation think of them as donors, while your platform and companies think of them as employees.