1. CSR Partnerships | Double the Donation
  2. Integration Documentation and API Access

Retrieve and Update Matching Gift Requests

This article walks through how you can retrieve matching gift requests from 360MatchPro and how you can update matching gift statuses in 360MatchPro.

Picking up matching gift requests from 360MatchPro


Updating the matching gift status in 360MatchPro


Status mapping


Picking up matching gift requests from 360MatchPro

When a donor/employee completes the auto-submission flow, the matching gift submission request will be stored in an endpoint for your platform to pick up.


We recommend picking up new matching gift submissions every 24 hours or more frequently.


    1. Related endpoint with data model and example value: LINK

    2. Input: Submit a “since” parameter in the ISO 8601 format. If you do not submit a parameter, the default is the past 24 hours.

    3. Output: Donation data, donor data, matching gift program data, nonprofit organization data, donor verification fields (including email address verification), and last updated timestamp.

Updating the matching gift status in 360MatchPro

When the matching gift request moves to a different stage of the matching gift process in your platform, you will update the status in 360MatchPro to match.

Watch this Zoom Clip for a video walkthrough of how to update matching gift statuses.


  1. Related endpoint with data model and example value: LINK

  2. Input: Provide the 360MatchPro transaction ID, the status, and the amount of the matching gift (matched amount).

  3. Output: You will receive either a success code (200) or an error message (400) with a description of the error.


Sample submission:

  1. {
  2.   "submission_status": "approved",
  3.   "donation_id": "123456",
  4.   "matched_amount": 50
  5. }


You may also add additional optional fields to provide more information about the record:

  • Payment method: How will the matching funds be sent to the nonprofit? Check, ACH, or some other way?

  • Payment cleared date: When will the funds be sent/when were the funds sent to the nonprofit?

  • Rejected reason: If the matching gift request was rejected, why? Available reasons:

    • Max Employer Funds Spent

    • Max Employee Funds Spent

    • Gift Under Minimum

Status Mapping

Send this status to the endpoint What situation does this status represent? This text appears to the nonprofit in 360MatchPro
:received Your platform has received the matching gift request
Auto-submission received
Your platform is unable to validate the matching gift request is associated with a valid user
Invalid submission: Donor eligibility unable to be verified
If manual approval is required: The matching gift request has been received and moved into the approval queue
Auto-submission pending approval
The matching gift request has been approved
Auto-submission approved
The matching gift request has been rejected
Auto-submission rejected
The matching gift request has been approved and moved into the disbursement queue
Funds pending disbursement
The matching gift has been disbursed to the nonprofit
Funds disbursed 


Notes on status mapping:

  1. If your platform automatically reviews requests against preset program requirements -- that is, if pending-approval is not an applicable status in your platform -- you may skip from received to approved.

  2. If the matching gift automatically moves into a disbursement queue after being approved -- that is, if approved and pending-disbursement are the same status in your platform -- use the pending-disbursement status.